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On Journaling

Today I’ve published the third chapter of my ongoing novel, Tales from Glasstown . Since I’m heavily into writing today, I fancied it was as good a day as another to start the journal section of the blog.

Why a journal section? Mhhh… for the sake of experimenting, I would say. Ever since I opened my personal website, back in 2021, I’ve struggled to answer some basic questions about what kind of website this should be. Is it a personal blog? Is it a portfolio? Or some kind of container for some kind of other content?

Moreover, what am I trying to achieve by maintaining this website both financially and editorially? Do I want to get a job by having a cool portfolio? Do I have anything of particularly interesting to share with the world? Do I just want to look cool?

So, fast forward to present days, I’ve published three articles on the blog section of this website. My original idea was to publish articles of short to middle lenght (between 250 and 600 words) about topics related to my job, which, in case you missed the very intrusive heading on the homepage, is writing and designing stories and games.

Turns out that well-thought articles take a lot of time to write. Look at the articles from the website of my dear friend and colleague, Nicola Dau (I recommend this fantastic article on the Zettlekasten method to take smart notes). Do you think he wrote them during his lunchbreak? Hell, no. That’s serious dedication.

Now, I do have a lot of time at the present moment (one of the advantages of being unemployed), but I’m not prone to making that effort to produce content. Most of my mind is focusing on other projects, like learning to program with Ruby (sweet) or working on my first game as an indie developer.

Still, I love to write out my thoughts, I love blogs, and I really need to write a lot at the moment. Seriously, that 10k hours writing milestone won’t crush itself. Hence, I decided to started journaling to talk about things I feel relevant to my job and my creativity.

Also, regarding the whole portfolio stuff, I want to fill the site with some content recruiters can look at to get to know me. That’s my main goal, aside from writing for the sake of it. To help you know me a little better.

We’ll see how it goes.

Published inBlog

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